For parents raising preschoolers it is important to remember, you are their world.  It is your job to keep their life as normal as possible.  The current national discourse is extremely divisive, but these are adult problems.  It is important not to put undo pressure on a young child.
Television news is not for preschoolers and they often take in much more than parents realize. Now if you live in the Charlottesville area events this week are the topic of discussion for everyone (true even if you don’t live in Charlottesville). There is a great chance your child will ask questions and you will have to answer them according to your families beliefs, but it is important let them know they are safe.
When worries appear, listening is your most important tool. It honors and respects the child. It allows your child feel heard. “I hear you. Here is was we believe…followed by we are safe here.” The trick is, not to answer more than was asked. Keep it in simple terms and only answer what was asked. Again, these are adult problems. As much as we want to encourage independent thinking and decision making, there are times when you need to be the adult to provide a safe calm atmosphere.
Lastly, never underestimate the importance of keeping up with good habits for everyone’s health, energy, and piece of mind. Try to keep you child on your regular schedule, eat healthily and most importantly be sure your child gets a good, regular sleep. Routines are important for all of us in stressful times.
As the Swedes say... Love and Light.