The Preschool Parent Blog

Learning Respect for Nature

Learning to care about the environment, plants, and animals requires exposure. Without that exposure children may not develop concern for the natural world. How do we allow our children to explore without harming the very plants and animals we want them to learn about? It's all about respect.

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Art Is For Everyone

When you think of art and preschoolers do you think of crafts and splashes of paint at an easel? Preschoolers are ready for so much more. Sharing a wide variety of fine art with your child at an early age can ignite the imagination. Preschoolers are the perfect age to go to an art museum. They often see more in a painting than many adults. Children are drawn to color, movement, mystery, and emotion.

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The Constant of Change

Change is all around us: Seasons, Weather, End of a School Year, People. As soon as we get a comfortable rhythm in life—the baby has regular nap times, your child is happy at school pick up, you have a familiar morning routine—it changes. But you can learn to love change or at least live well with it.

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Traveling and Preschoolers in Three Easy Steps

Travel builds understanding of others and opens up a world of possibilities for children. Though it can seem like a daunting task at first, particularly for those of you who are not used to traveling yourself, trips near and far build confidence and adaptability for both you and your child. Here are a few basic things to keep in mind as you travel with your little one.

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The Joy of Rainy Days and Preschoolers

As we’ve learned from the Swedes, There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes. Many of us try to hide from the rain as we grow up, and if that sounds like you, you may be missing the joys of spring rain with your preschooler.

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Reading and Preschoolers

Parents, anxious to get their young child to read, often ask when and how to start. Here are some tips for making it a joyful experience for everyone and not a chore or a fight.

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The New Baby

Adding a new member to the family is an exciting and exhausting time for everyone. Strong emotions will surface during this time of growth for a family. Let's focus on how to help your preschooler make the adjustment in as positive a way as possible, knowing that there will be difficult days for everyone but there is nothing like bonding with a sibling.

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Space - The Fun Frontier

We live in amazing times when it comes to new knowledge about the universe. You can learn with your child about planet Earth, our solar system, and beyond. Unless you are a major science geek, you’ll probably find there have been a lot of new discoveries since you were in school. The new pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope are a treat for all ages.

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Creating Space To Grow

Children need space. Space to grow, learn, reflect, share, and enjoy. You don’t need a big house to provide space. A small clear area where your child can relax works. Perhaps a little corner where you can place a small table for projects and a shelf for art supplies and books. For young minds, less really is more. It’s hard to think and be creative if there is stuff everywhere.

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Children's Books Are For All Ages

As someone who loves to read, I want to remind adult readers about the joys of a well-written children’s book. If you want a pick-me-up, some deep philosophy, beautiful artwork, or some great humor, you can find it and more in the children’s section. If you have young children, you are probably already aware of these treasures, but if it’s been a while since you’ve checked out the children’s section, you might be surprised. Here are a few favorite books I reread, share, and even gift to adult friends.

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Learning beyond the Story

When we, parents and teachers, read a book to young children it is often for fun, for interesting characters, or to learn about our world. Beyond the pleasure and bonding, stories are deep learning opportunities for children.

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Play-Based Learning

As we continue to look at tools and methods used by preschool teachers, today we discuss a fundamental: Play-Based Learning.
Without a doubt Play-Based Learning is a natural way for children to learn and something you are already doing at home. This is one of the best methods a preschool teacher can use and with a little thought, you can build on your "play" at home.

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Inquiry Based Learning

This is the first in a series of blog posts with brief descriptions and suggestions for bringing the preschool experience into your home. The series will cover various teaching styles that help preschoolers blossom. Hopefully a little something for everyone. Today, Inquiry Based Learning.

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Playing Safely Outside

Time outside is wonderful, but there are things you and your child need to avoid. This post is my yearly outdoor hazard update because it's important to know what to look out for, especially if you are not used to spending a lot of time outdoors. If you and your child are already used to spending a lot of time in nature you may want to skip to the bottom of the post for some good links

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Music At Home - Part 2

In Music at Home Part 2, we’ll do a short sample music session. You can always extend this session by following your child's lead for movement, dancing, and singing. Repetition is key for developing internal beat.

Remember It should be music that’s fun for you and your child.

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Music At Home - Part 1

You can sing or make up rhythms anywhere, anytime, but today we’ll talk about some ideas for having a regular music time at home. Some of my preschool families have been asking for ideas for a music class at home so in this, 2-part series, I plan to cover some of the basics to get you started.

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Saying Goodbye to a Pet

Today a few thoughts on preschoolers and pets. Pets are a great way to teach children about responsibility and empathy, among other things.  Unless you have a macaw parrot most pets do not live as long as people. The loss of your pet family member may well be your child’s first experience with death.

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Happy Holidays

It’s that time of year when many of us, children especially, are overwhelmed with the excitement of the season and too much stuff. There are times when we have little control over generous family members and family traditions, so the key to a happy holiday season with young children, is to build in some down time and to manage expectations.


The most important thing you can do to help your child and your family enjoy the season is to take time to explain the plan of the day in simple, clear language.

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