Children and adults alike are fascinated by water. It is calming to the touch. The sounds of water have a soothing effect. And it is visually hypnotic. Items change color in water. Water refracts light in ways that make a child stop and look again and again. As you place your hand in water it can look like your fingers are going in a strange direction. They may even appear to change size!
It is wonderful to enjoy water in nature whether it is at a creek, a puddle, a pond, a lake, or the ocean. For calm study of the properties of water a small tub will do. Young children should always be supervised even near small containers of water, but preschoolers are really ready to spend time observing and playing with water.
A dishpan or container the size of a (new clean) cat litter box will work well. You really only need a few inches of water and then the possibilities are endless. You can add nature items you find on your walks. Rocks a wonderful for water play. They often not only change color in the water, but also show off little sparkling treasures on their surface. Small branches and leaves also change visually as they enter the water.
The picture above has pieces of branches, leaves, and acorns. I have enjoyed watching children build with the branch slices, feel the textures of the different leaves, and use the magnolias leaves as boats for the acorns. Some children just enjoy using their hands to swirl the leaves in the water, creating a whirlpool.
There are many ways to play with water, but this simple activity can be both calming and mentally stimulating for your child. Though nature items including shells are my favorite items in the water, small containers for pouring, and funnels add lots of fun too.