As the weather warms up and middle grade readers start to dream of summer, I want to bring attention to three excellent series for summer reading.
For the fantasy crowd, you can’t go wrong with Jessica Townsend’s Nevermore series. There are currently three books in the tale of Morrigan Crow with a fourth book, Silverborn, joining the series in October 2023. Set in a magical world, these stories are perfect for those who like Harry Potter or other books in the magical school sub-genre. Townsend’s use of the English language is both beautiful and creative. Well worth a read by adults and children.
For those who like a little suspense and scare in the summer, I recommend Matt McMann new series Monsterious. If you have a Goosebumps fan in the family, this is the next series for you. These are fun and chilling quick reads (great for reluctant readers). The first two in the series are out now with a third coming out in August 2023.
For a fiction read about middle grade life, Meg Medina’s Merci Suárez Series has something for everyone. Medina covers those awkward moments we all remember and life changes for a family in a compassionate thoughtful way. Life is change, and middle school is full of new experiences.
Happy Reading.