Ready for a new magical world? This tale in the magical school subgenre, will fit the bill. Clayton transports readers to a magical—I should say Marvelous—world full of Marvellers, Conjurors, and nonmagical people.

Ella Durand is the first conjuror to attend The Arcanum Training Institute, that’s where all the Marvellers learn their craft and they’re not sure Conjurors are welcome. It takes some time for Eleven-year-old Ella to find friends and a way to fit in.

There is of course a villain, and she’s fantastical. I won’t say anymore—no spoilers. Enjoy the discovery. Ella and friends will have to unravel mysteries and save a kidnapped mentor all before the end of the school year.

Time with the Marvellers is time well spent. You’ll enjoy a well-crafted world of feisty pixies, powerful enchantments, and a marvelous school in the sky.

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