The Raven Heir by Stephanie Burgis 

The Raven Heir is an exciting tale of adventure and magic. The heart of the book is about family. What makes someone family?

Enjoy the secrets, history, prophesy, and a difficult quest. The siblings’ stories really start after an attack on their home, a castle in the woods, where the triplets are protected by their older brother and sorceress mother.

One child has the ability to change into any living creature she chooses, from worm to bird to horse. Burgis’ storytelling skill brings the reader into the story and will make you long to become a bird yourself. A bit like Wart in the Once and Future King. I found myself lost in this world. Unable to put the book down.

Without giving anything away, I will tell you that what makes this story work for me is the respect shown for the young characters and the young readers. Often middle grade fantasy characters are easily led astray. These characters know who they are…even if a few doubts occasionally creep in.

A satisfying fantasy read for children and adults.

Grades 4-6

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