A beautifully illustrated, poignant story about finding a way forward through loss. This book is a brilliant conversation starter. Though it is meaningful for everyone, Merin and Her Very Bright Star is indispensable for children who have experienced the loss of a loved one at a young age; A gift for families experiencing loss.

Merin and Her Very Bright Star should be in every school and on every therapist’s bookshelf. This is not something I say lightly. Having worked with young children for decades, I have found few books that are really helpful during these difficult times. To have a book that aids discussion and has illustrations that will captivate and bring comfort to a child, is a rarity.

I’ll leave you with a quote from the story…

“The star taught her that she could turn something lost into something found, and if everyone did this, the world would be brighter.”

Find Merin at https://www.bluemountainpathcoaching.com/