The Preschool Parent Blog

Saying Goodbye to a Pet

Today a few thoughts on preschoolers and pets. Pets are a great way to teach children about responsibility and empathy, among other things.  Unless you have a macaw parrot most pets do not live as long as people. The loss of your pet family member may well be your child’s first experience with death.

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Wonder and Worry: Becoming a Parent of a Preschooler. (part 1)

When it comes to raising your little one, parents can be overwhelmed by the emotions of wonder and worry. A new world opens up before you and you see things you used to take for granted in a new light. At the same time each bruise, word, or action of your little one (or people around your little one) can cause you to question and worry about everything and anything.

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Big Emotions and Tears

As a parent, there are times when it can be painfully difficult to watch your child cry. It can upset you in many ways. You may feel embarrassed in public or exhausted at home.  You may even go into an extremely stressed state feeling helpless and unable to guide your child. Good news; Crying is normal, necessary, and healthy for your preschooler. This week we will discuss how you can help your child and why it’s important to let your child work through the tears.

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